Friday, September 3, 2010


The first of this weeks parashiot, Netzavim begins with the words, "Today you are all standing before the Face of HaShem your G*D". How appropriate these words seem in light of the memory of 9/11, when our country, the whole world for that matter stood as it seemed before G*D. Many of those standing turned their faces and hearts to G*D and asked "please remember us for a blessing".

Netzavim is usually translated as standing, but more literally means standers- those who stand. This type of standing does not describe "standing around" it implies purposeful standing, usually in response to a summons, invitation or command. Just who are these Netzavim, these "standing ones"? Look closely beloved, look into your own soul. While the covenant about which we are reading was made by the Redeemed of HaShem who physically stood before Moshe on that day, it is applied to all future generations of the sons of Abraham. In addition it also is applied to a group outside of the physical lineage, it is made available to the foreigners who lived in the midst of the Redeemed community. It is also made available to those not yet born, even though they were not there physically, that someday in the future they too would hear G*D's words and be a part of the covenant. In Deuteronomy 29:14-15 we read "neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath, but with him who stands here with us this day before HaShem our G*D, and also with him who is not here with us on this day".

The words Moshe speak beginning in verse 16 speak prophetic words of warning. He is acting as our watchman sounding the shofar. He is warning us of the dangers of a pagan lifestyle. An approach to life without HaShem. The lifestyle described in Torah is not about manipulating G*D to get Him to do what we want, but rather surrendering every aspect of our life so that we can live as He wants. It's about relationship. "The secret things belong to HaShem our G*D, but the things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this Torah". Deuteronomy 29;29 It is not our purpose to bring about the secret things of HaShem, we need only to busy ourselves with the things that are revealed to us, the words of Torah, they are life to all who grasp it. Choose life beloved.

Know that HaShem is our watchman, He neither slumbers or sleeps.
Shabbat Shalom
Elisheva Amaris

In memory of the heros of 9/11, enlarge for full effect

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