Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Are My Refuge

HaShem gives us the month of Elul as a time of refuge. A time to seclude ourselves, a time to be alone with Him. A time to pour out our hearts before Him. Not with what we want, but with what we hope to become.
Today, Elul 15, is a full moon. Having no light of its own, the moon reflects the light of the sun. This is to teach us that the strength and power that we have comes from HaShem. The full moon of Elul gives us special power to intensify our work of return, returning to the pure soul that we were created to be.
T'shuvah is lonely work. Can I really change? Each morning in the month of Elul we listen to the lonely, soulful blast of the shofar. The shape of the shofar gives us a picture of our life. We come from a narrow place of constriction and with HaShem's help, His Breath we can grow into the person He created us to be. The blast of the shofar is a representation of the scream that the soul makes because of our distance from the One we love, the creator of our soul. On a deeper level it's the voice that can not be heard, it's a scream that says that HaShem and I are so potentially close. It's the scream that says I might not be living that reality, and that is why I feel so distant, I'm not even sure what that is supposed to look like, but I am committing with all my heart to try to change, to try to make this year be different. It's a scream that is saying that I am standing before You O G*d, bearing my soul, asking You to lead me, to direct my path. HaShem says, "if you call out to Me I will answer". It is a tradition to recite Psalm 27 each day of Elul.

The L*rd is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The L*rd is the strength of my life. Whom shall I dread? When evildoers draw near to devour me, when foes threaten, they stumble and fall. Though armies be arrayed against me, I have no fear. Though wars threaten, I remain steadfast in my faith.
One thing I ask of the L*rd, for this I yearn. To dwell in the House of the L*rd all the days of my life, to pray in His sanctuary, to behold the L*rd's beauty. He will hide me in His shrine, safe from harm. He will shelter me, and put me beyond the reach of disaster. He will raise my head high above my enemies about me. I will bring Him offerings with shouts of joy. I will sing. I will chant praise to the L*rd.
O L*rd, hear my voice when I call: be gracious and answer me. "It is you that I seek," says my heart. It is Your Presence that I crave O L*rd. Hide not Your Presence from me, reject not Your servant. You are my help, do not desert me. Forsake me not, G*d of my deliverance. Though my father and mother forsake me, the L*rd will gather me in and care for me.
Teach me Your way O L*rd. Guide me on the right path to confound those who mock me. Deceivers have risen against me, men who breathe out violence. Abandon me not to the will of my foes. Mine is the faith that I surely will see the L*rd's goodness in the land of the living. Hope in the L*rd and be strong. Hope in the L*rd and take courage.

Walking a holy path is not easy. But in reality all it really takes is placing one foot in front of the other, and then moving forward. We can take our time beloved, G*d will lead us, but we need to start walking. And if at times you feel lonely, know that you are not alone, HaShem is only a call away.

This Shabbos is the 18th of Elul and is very special because we celebrate the birthdays of two great luminaries in Jewish ideology. The Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement and Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, known as The Alter Rebbe who was one of the most prolific writers of Kabballistic thought. Both were pioneers and brought new life and energy to Judaism. It is said that each of the twelve days left in Elul correspond to the twelve months of the year and have the power to change each of those months. Enjoy the journey beloved.
May we all be blessed with new energy to serve HaShem. Good Shabbos,
Shabbat Shalom
Elisheva Amaris

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