Thursday, January 9, 2014

Beshalach An Emunah Point of View

This weeks parsha Beshalach is so rich beloved. With a strong hand HaShem has removed the Children of Israel from Egypt, His presence felt constantly as He leads them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Their faith or lack there of is quickly brought to the forefront as Pharaoh himself and his entire army is in pursuit, they are trapped with the sea in front of them and no where to turn.  Even after everything they have experienced so far they still have doubts and cry out to HaShem asking Moshe would it not have been better to serve in Egypt then to die in the Wilderness. Why is the word Wilderness used when it was Pharoah and his army that posed the danger? According to Rambam they were referring to an earlier fear about dying in the desert from hunger and thirst. This is a people who had just lived through amazing miracles, how could they have so little faith. Lest we be quick to judge, would we have had the faith to pick up and go, taking our children and what we could carry and flee into the desert. Exhausted this is almost to much to bear.
We all know what happens next, and the song the people sing together. But I ask you to see things from a different perpective, from Miriam's point of view.
Good Shabbos~Elisheva Amaris

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