Thursday, November 15, 2012

Keep Digging

I came home from work after a 13 hour day to the news of the conflict in Israel. As tired as I am I felt I needed to write something, to acknowledge my Creator and His hand in everything. This day is Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Our sages say that all the miracles we will experience for the year are born in this month. Light shines the brightest when it is the darkest beloved so take heart, sometimes we have to dig very deep to reveal that which is hidden

Twice HaShem speaks in chapter 26 of this week's parsha, Toldot. "Stay in this land and I will be with you and bless you. For I will give all these lands to you and your offspring and I will uphold my oath that I swore to your father Abraham." Our forefathers were blessed because they kept HaShems commandments, decrees and laws. They also showed us the way to do the same. Let us take up the most powerful weapon we have and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

  The short video is one of many inspiring stories of the people who helped shape Israel since it's founding. Your can subscribe at  Shabbat Shalom~Elisheva  

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