Thursday, September 20, 2012


The Shabbat of the Ten Days is called Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat of Return. It's name is derived from it's Haftorah, from Hosea 14:2 which opens with the words "Return O Israel to your G*D". This Shabbat is considered a favorable time to repair past failings and missed opportunities of the past and to positively influence the coming year. It is said that during this portal in time we are empowered to influence every Shabbat for the coming year. In Book of Our Heritage it says that the Shabbat was given to Israel as a time for Torah study and prayer, and, although one should always take care not to pass the time idly or in inappropriate conversation on Shabbat, on Shabbat Shuvah one should be especially careful to concentrate entirely on Torah, prayer, and reflection on repentance, thereby attaining forgiveness for whatever unfitting behavior may have marred other Sabbaths.

We read in Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid or feel insecure before them, because G*D is the One Who is going with you and He will not fail you or forsake you." That is 613 backwards. Most commentary says that "them" refers to our enemies, but what if the "them" are our weaknesses and our failings that always stand ready to accuse us. Remember we aren't going into the battle alone beloved, put your faith and hope in G*d and His Torah,  He will prevail. As Yom Kipper draws closer I feel a sense of urgency, although we can always draw near to HaShem and ask for His forgiveness, it is during this time of year that my heart especially yearns for His closeness. The prophet Isaiah spoke these words in 55:6, "Seek G*D when He is to be found, call on Him when He is near". Our soul longs to connect to its Source, He is our Rock not only in times of distress beloved, but also in times of joy. The King will answer us on the day that we call.

Shabbat Shalom
Shana Tova~May we all be sealed in the Book of Life
~Elisheva Amaris

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