Thursday, October 7, 2010

With Open Eyes

This is first time the number 40 comes up in the Torah portion but as we will see beloved HaShem has a lot to teach us regarding the number 40. Every time we see it used we see a transformation taking place. Moses was several times on the mountain 40 days, the Jews were led by G*D in the desert 40 years, the spies traveled the length of the land for 40 days, both Solomon and David ruled for 40 years,as did the great judge Devorah. We just went through a transformation ourselves in the 40 days from the first of Elul till Yom Kipper.

In this weeks parsha of Noah we see it raining 40 days and 40 nights.There is a minimum of 40 seahs of water in a kosher mikvah. Immersing oneself in the mikvah transforms us from a state of impurity to a state of purity. And so it was with the world in the time of Noah. The world had fallen into a state of impurity. Midrash says it was the impurity of mans speech that lowered him to a level that grieved HaShem's heart to the point that He felt the need for its purification.

40 is also the value of the letter mem, which means water. The Torah is often referred to as water. In the future the flood will be a positive concept, the earth will be flooded with the knowledge of G*D. The Torah will fill the earth just as the water covers the seabed, with the love of G*D flowing forth like water.

It remains to be seen who will rebuild the third Temple, some say Mashiach, some say man. It is interesting to note that the height of the entrance to the Sanctuary of the Temple measures 40 cubits. It will be a time of transformation for all of G*D's creation. May it happen speedily,and soon in our days.

HaShem always gives us a cure. Another meaning for the word ark is word, just as the ark had the power to save Noah, HaShem's Words have the power to save us. One of my favorite verses in The Holy Scriptures is taken from Isaiah, yes you guessed it, chapter 40.
"Lift up your eyes and see who created you, no one is missing, He gives the tired strength, those who put their hope in the L*rd will raise up wings as eagles, run and not weary, walk and not tire." Many times the use of wings in scripture means spiritual truths, may HaShem open our eyes to His Spiritual Truths beloved

HaShem's love is enough to pull us through as the song below reminds us. Have a sweet, sweet Shabbos, Elisheva Amaris

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