Thursday, April 25, 2019

Hod of Chesed - Counting the Omer - "Gratitude is the key..." - Rabbi Al...

Does love humble me? Do I realize that the ability to love comes from a higher place, from G*D? Knowing that love comes from G*D do I enter love with total humility, recognizing the great privilege of being able to love? Do I realize that through love I receive more than I give?~from Counting the Omer, by Rabbi Simion Jacobson.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Netzach of Chesed - Counting the Omer - "The art of Love..." - Rabbi Alo...

Is my love constant regardless of what is going on in life. Can I be counted on in good times and bad. Can it be counted on regardless of challenges and setbacks. Is my love enduring. These are the questions Rabbi Simon Jacobson asks in his book The Counting of the Omer.